KC-135 Taxilane
This project consisted of replacing the KC-135 taxiway between the hangar and the flight line for the Maine Air National Guard 101st Refueling Wing in Bangor, Maine. The project entailed stringent DoD and FAA Guidelines which required checkpoints, traffic flow evaluation and designation, construction safety, erosion control measures and monitoring, contingency plan of actions, scheduling and extensive QCQA to meet the specifications of the project.
Project Details
- Barrier and Traffic Control & Checkpoints
- Removal of existing PCC
- Excavation of base course and sub-base materials
- Installing new sub-surface drainage
- Replacing taxiway edge lighting
- Graded crushed aggregate base course(P-209)
- HMA Pavement Placement
- Pavement Markings
- Loam / Seed and establishment of turf grasses
- Installation of new taxiway edge lighting
Company: Lander Group, LLC
Owner: Department of Defense (DOD)
Year: 2015
Location: Maine Air National Guard, Bangor, Maine