Maine Air National Guard Paving
These projects consisted of grinding, milling and the complete installation of pavement surfaces on three separate roadway areas (Ashley Ave. – Maineiac Ave. – Airfield Access Rd). Pavements were ground to a minimum depth of 2.75 inches and over 2100 cubic yards of grindings were removed from the work areas. All low areas were shimmed and elevation hazards including grooved payments were identified. An overlay of 1.5 inches of HMA binder course and 1.5 inches of HMA wearing course (per MDOT standard) were applied to allow for proper placement of new pavement and all pavement marking were applied to match existing markings. Some signage was relocated and new signage was installed according to plan. Bordering areas were loamed and seeded following pavement installation and all soil was compacted and graded to specification.
Project Details
- Required base access control and implementation, traffic control,
FOD control practices (esp. for Airfield Access Rd.) - Strict project scheduling, weekly meeting & project updates
- Daily communication between base civil engineering services &
contracting on all aspects of project progress - Ashley Ave/Maineiac Ave. required nighttime milling for minimal
disruption of base activities - Airfield Access Rd. required: gate attendant for taxiway access,
adherence to taxiway & flight line protocol, installation of low
profile barriers, NOTAM issuance, critical utility location due to
duct bank for Tower communications – needed for digging and
installation of sub-base for widening of road parallel to flight line
taxiway, BIA